Psychotherapy and Healing

The Wheel: 2025 Retreat Series

Embracing the Wheel of the Year: A 2025 Retreat Series for Seasonal Wellness

Year of the Wheel Seasonal Wellness Retreats for Women

Discover the Magic of the Seasons

The Seasonal cycle of the year is created by the Earth’s annual orbit around the Sun. Solstices are the extreme points as Earth’s axis tilts towards or away from the sun. This is when the days and nights are the shortest or the longest. The celebration of these times are universal and seasonal celebrations of most cultures are around these same natural turning points. The Wheel of the Year recognizes the cyclical nature of life. It is a journey through the seasons. Each of the eight Sabbats – Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane, Litha, Lughnasadh, Mabon, Samhain, and Yule – marks a significant turning point in the natural world.

In 2025, there will be a series of Monday retreats designed to honor these sacred seasonal times. Each retreat will provide a space for women to connect with their inner selves, nurture their bodies and minds within a supportive circle of women.

This year-long series is designed to provide you with a deep and meaningful community experience. This unique series invites you to explore the rhythms of nature and cultivate a deeper connection within yourself and the world around you.

One-Day Retreat Experiences:

Engage in a variety of practices, including:



+Creative Writing

+Seasonal Rituals

+Connection & Community with other women

+Collaboration with other guest community healing practitioners 

What to Expect:

Each retreat will be a day-long immersion (10:00 AM - 4:00 PM) at the beautiful Primrose Studio. Each retreat will be dedicated to a season on the Wheel of the Year. Together, we will:

  • Somatic Practices: Gentle yoga, breathwork, and somatic practices guided by Jen Phippen and guest collaborators.

  • Meditations and mindfulness exercises to cultivate inner peace and awareness.

  • Creative Expression: Writing practices and journaling prompts to explore your inner landscape and process emotions.

  • Circle of Support: Share and connect with other women in a safe and nurturing environment. 

Retreats for Women in Fort Collins

Benefits of Participating:

  • Deepen your connection to the natural world.

  • Honor the cyclical nature of life.

  • Cultivate self-care practices.

  • Gain valuable insights and wisdom from experienced healers.

  • Nurture your mind, body, and spirit.

  • Cultivate greater self-awareness and inner peace.

  • Experience the healing power of community and support.

  • Develop tools for emotional and spiritual growth. 

Retreat Days:

  • Monday February 3, 2025: Mid-Winter/Imbolc Retreat: A celebration of the depths in the mid-winter months and looking towards the return of spring with special guest collaborator, Jesse Grace of Grace Sound Wellness offering sound healing and yoga.

  • Monday March 24, 2025: Spring Equinox/Ostara: A time to celebrate rebirth and the awakening of life in spring with special guest collaborator, Wild Side Sauna bringing in a travel sauna and cold plunge.

  • Monday May 12, 2025: Mid-Spring/Beltane: A time of passion, fertility, and creativity with special guest collaborator, Kristy Gungler of Earth Bird Wellness offering yoga and forest bathing.

  • MondayJune 23, 2025: Summer Solstice/Litha: The summer solstice, a celebration of the sun's power with special guest collaborator, Molly Dolwell-Weaver. This retreat will be a family retreat with kids and partners welcome for dancing and playful celebration of the solstice.

  • Monday August 4, 2025: Mid-Summer/Lughnasadh (August 1st): A harvest festival honoring the first fruits of the earth with special guest collaborator, Jesse Grace of Grace Sound Wellness offering sound healing and yoga.

  • Monday September 22, 2025: Fall Equinox/Mabon: The autumn equinox, a time of balance and gratitude with special guest collaborators, Kristy Gungler and Carrie Templaski offering connection to the Earth with Forest Bathing and connection to the stars with Quantum Healing.

  • Monday November 3, 2025: Mid-Fall/Samhain: A time to connect with ancestors and start to go inward with special guest collaborator and Goddess, Dana Bolt Barber.

  • Monday December 22, 2025: Winter Solstice/Yule: The winter solstice, a celebration of light and hope with special guest collaborator, Carrie Templaski of Source Point and Wilder Soul offering quantum healing and esoteric acupuncture meditations.


  • Individual Retreats: $150 per retreat

  • RMHP Medicaid Eligible

    *Access Matters. I work hard to keep my offerings reasonably priced. If the cost feels prohibitive, please send an email to

Spring Equinox Ostara Retreat in Fort Collins, Colorado

Cold Plunge and Sauna with Wild Side Sauna

Spring Equinox Ostara Retreat: Fort Collins, CO

Yoga + Forest Bathing with Kristy Gungler of Earth Bird Wellness


If you have RMHP Medicaid and would like to join, please fill out this form below & I will reach out to you: